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Student Club

KINGSTON EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTE aims at developing entrepreneurial culture among younger generation, and to change their negative attitude towards the business and industry. It works as a platform for bringing in successful entrepreneurs to the modern dynamic business world. The various clubs of KEI provide the students the much-cherished opportunity to come together to discuss and exchange ideas with like-minded people. Here, there’s something for everyone!

Nature Club

Nature club provides a platform for creating awareness among the students, teachers and the public at large about the important of environmental protection.

Oratory Club

The Oratory Club of the College conducts classes regularly for developing the public speaking skills of the students. The club organizes competitions and debates focusing on the improvement of communicative ability.

Quiz Club

The quiz club aims at developing a healthy competitive spirit among the students of different classes in the colleges. It conducts a wide of programmes like debates, inter collegiate Quiz context etc.

Music Club

The club formed to enhance the musical talents in students by giving guidance and coaching. The club arranges training class in both classical and modern musical club.

Drama Club

The drama club of the college aims at developing creative talents in students, particularly in promoting the stage.

Science Forum

The science forum is an association of the students of different branches of science. It aims at creating an aptitude for scientific experiments, observations and researches among the students.

Creative Writer’s Forum

To encourage the new buds having literary taste, the Creative Writer’s forum (Rain bow) is formed. The members of the Forum meet once in a week and present their literary creations.

Book Lovers Club

This literary club aims at the promotion of reading habit among the students. The members of the club meet regularly, and discuss the books recently published or read.

