COVID IMPACT ON EDUCATION- Imparting New-Age Skills to the Teachers of Tomorrow
The pandemic outbreak has undeniably created unprecedented challenges in the education sector. 185 countries across the globe were forced to shut down schools and universities overnight, leaving over 300 million students affected by a disruption in academic year. However extreme and volatile the situation grows, teachers all around the world congregated to ensure that learning continues.
Target 4.c of the Sustainable Development Goal 4 emphasizes on the fact that teachers are the key players in attaining quality education even during the unpredicted pressure on the education system. Keeping in mind the paramount importance of the teachers when it comes to shaping the architects of the nation B.Ed. colleges in the country has ensured that the teachers of 21st century undergo a facelift to adapt to the new normal with new-age skills. Here is a set of skills that KEI is imparting to the teachers to enable them to act swiftly and make the smart move to instill innovations and necessary life skills in their students.
Advent of Virtual Education & Smart Teaching Pedagogy
With the pandemic prowl continuing to impact the educations sector drastically, the concept and practice of social distancing is gaining significance and educational institutes are forced to make the transition from conventional classrooms to digital classrooms. At KEI, we are rendering state-of-the-art facilities to acquaint the teachers with end-to-end digital teaching pedagogy and prepare them to deliver uncompromised lessons in the coming years with a smart approach.
Psychological Preparedness & Disaster Management
Quite evidently, the global pandemic has created a catastrophic setting all around. Consequently, the tensions in the surrounding have adversely affected the mental health of children. Thus, considering the importance of child psyche and its impact on the growth and development, educators are expected to deliver the necessary counseling and knowledge on the understanding of mental health. KEI offers the vital and required skills to train the teachers to promote health awareness and provide customized study material to keep the student’s health on the crown.
Importance on Real-Time Learning & Practical Aspects
With major changes in the conventional education system, teaching in post Covid-19 is expected to be completely practical and skill-based. In respect to the growing demand for redefined education system and vocational training courses, educators might mandatorily need to impart knowledge through the latest pedagogy. KEI has significantly adopted steps to train the teachers to obtain applied teaching skills with emphasis on practical aspects of learning so that they can leverage innovative teaching pedagogy in coming years.
Focus on Research-Based Education
In accordance to the latest World Intellectual Property, in years to come, research-based is going to be the focal point or the hotspots for youth education. At KEI, we are training the teachers to develop the appetite for research and understanding in the children. Teachers are imparted with the necessary skills to identify the potential in the children that will make better professions in the rise of occasion.