An e-library or Digital Library is a physical site and/ or website that provide around the clock online access to digitized audio, video, and written material. It provides free copies of books, journals, etc. available to the users. Normally these materials are classics that have no copyright digital formats (as opposed to print, microform, or other media) and accessible by computers. The digital content may be stored locally, or accessed remotely via computer networks. A digital library is a type of information retrieval system. Digital Libraries are an increasingly popular research area that encompasses more than traditional information retrieval or database methods and techniques.
Kingston Educational Institute has developed an electronic library for the benefit of the students and teachers. Here both the learned and learners can access books, journals, and other notes. It maintains a database as the collection of e-materials and provides services in digital form.
Almashines Alumni
Alumni are our strength. They are the backbone of a college. Contribution from alumni is always widely accepted in Kingston educational Institute. Our Alumni group and Alumni Association provides support from all ends. Starting from education to placement and admission, our alumni is another gateway to success in Kingston educational Institute. Each college has a rich history of active alumni members. They also have extended their morale support and cooperation virtually in COVID 19 pandemic. Guided by Academic Chairman, a veteran educationist and a person from industry along with faculty members from different departments , we hope this story of success will continue in days to come through” ALMASHINES”